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Have You Been Reclaimed Yet?

What if there was a way to reclaim your authentic self, drop all fear, heal the past, reprogram your mind, develop emotional intelligence, let go of bad habits, and unlock your true potential?

AND... what if you could tackle all the above and more at the same time, with one simple yet profound process, that you can learn to do on your own?

I know how it sounds... but the real question is, is it even possible

What’s Going On?

When it comes to psychology, mindset, and the personal development industry, there are a lot of conflicting ideas about how to create permanent lasting change in oneself.

Even as recently as a few decades ago science was saying the brain was fixed. Apparently, it was impossible to reprogram the brain, but now with neuroplasticity being widely accepted, that old way of thinking has been debunked.

The same can be said with changing your DNA and various gene expressions. We now know with the advent of epigenetics and the quantum sciences that the body can indeed heal itself on all levels.

There are countless examples of this where people have been able to cure themselves of life-threatening diseases such as cancer without any medical intervention.

Science is constantly evolving. As is the study of human biology, and many of the “fringe” sciences that are often shunned until proven right and then, hopefully, the mainstream is forced to adopt the new “truth.”

Conspiracy theories aside, if you look at ancient wisdom, the power of meditation, yoga, and other eastern philosophies have stood the test of time and are ever more validated as “modern” science catches up.

The Frustration

I am sure if you are like me, you have probably tried everything under the sun to reprogram your mind, change habits, and to fully empower yourself to become all that you can be.

Maybe you’ve tried different types of meditation, hypnosis, binaural beats, sound frequencies, NLP programs, somatic and other types of healing, the latest bio-hacking devices, therapy, counseling, tapping, kinesiology, and even different writing processes.

I am sure that in some cases, where you did get results, it was either time-consuming to do, took months or years to get tangible results, was costly, or didn’t meet your expectations and didn’t last.

Regardless, what I can tell you is that while all healing modalities have their place, and can benefit you, they miss critically important factors in the transformation and breakthrough process.

A Mystery Solved

While nothing can ever replace the genuine desire to change, which is the main prerequisite to any process you do, there is one solution that has stood the test of time.

It is easy to implement, it works without question, and is the single fastest methodology that exists. I have used it on myself, with friends, and clients with a 100% success rate.

It took 35 years of traveling the world training with spiritual masters, mystics, shaman, hypnotists, NLP practitioners, kinesiologists, life coaches, and the best of what science and the eastern philosophies have to offer before it clicked.

I spent a small fortune over decades only to discover something that was already there the whole time. I was already doing it, but did not even know it, it was part of my training, the answer was already inside of me the whole time. 

Once again, ancient wisdom was right. It had been teaching various versions of this process for millennia, concepts that over time have become twisted and contorted by commercialism, dogma, and humanity in general forgetting of the power that resides inside of them.

Ironically, it is back by a ton of science, requires no special skills or talent, costs nothing to do, and combines two very powerful but misunderstood practices that are as old as humans are.

What makes this so powerful is that it you are in full control (well sort of), and if utilized correctly, creates permanent lasting change and transformation, on demand and faster than anything else that exists.

The Power of the Mind

If you don’t know me already, I am not a doctor, nor a scientist, or anything at all, though I could be. In a world where you can get certified in almost anything, in some cases for free, those don’t mean anything to me.

What does are the results. Your results. Your experience. That is all that matters. I can’t prove anything to you. Nor should I have too. But you can prove it to yourself.

Firstly, your mind is NOT the brain. This is a big misconception. The mind encompasses your whole existence. Intelligence exists in your whole body and beyond.

Neurons, which make up approx. 60% of your brain, are found all over your body to such a degree that your heart and your gut are known as the second and third brain

The physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies are known as the 4 lower bodies. They are hierarchical in nature and have intelligence behind them and directly impact one another significantly.

Each correlates directly with the 4 levels of consciousness, which is your awareness of self. These are the conscious, subconscious, unconscious, and superconscious minds.

When either of them are out of alignment, unbalanced, or are not functioning optimally, they directly impact one another and cause adverse effects in all areas of your life.

The hierarchy is as follows, with the most influential starting at the top:

Spiritual = Superconscious

Emotional = Unconscious

Mental = Subconscious

Physical = Conscious

While the physical/conscious parts of our mind are directly responsible for our interaction with the world, contrary to what you would think, it has the least say in anything that is going on in your life.

So, if the subconscious or unconscious disagrees, it will override you, sabotage you, cause internal conflict, procrastination, etc., convincing you that you’re not good enough or that there is something wrong with you.

In other words, it causes you pain and suffering and makes it impossible for you to live your best possible life. This is why, no matter what you do, or what you think, change can sometimes feel impossible and very much like you’re walking in quicksand.

At best, any possibility for lasting change, focused on the lowest physical/conscious and mental/subconscious levels will take a long time, with more effort and repetition required for it to make an impact, and it will only help with the low hanging fruit.  

The subconscious and unconscious minds are the vast storehouse of our past experiences, beliefs, and patterns. Some of it is stored as memories, but what gives it energy, and makes all our negative experiences stick and stay with us, is the emotions that are attached to those memories.

With unconscious/emotional side being higher up and more out of reach, this is where we hold our deepest fears, traumas, abuse, injustices, betrayals, and wounds.

It takes real emotional processing to make an impact here. This is why focusing on mindset is not only extremely slow, but it has significant flaws, and never really addresses the source. Just look at the world around you.

The source of all our limiting beliefs, thoughts, and the torment we put ourselves through is 100% emotion-based, not thought-based. The monkey mind is nothing more than unconscious “repressed” emotions getting triggered and trickling down to the conscious level and wreaking havoc.

Most people, to protect themselves, have mastered the art of shutting it all down to avoid feeling what is inside of them. This is the main cause of the increasing numbers of mental health issues and behavior disorders such as narcissism.

There is Nothing Wrong with You 


At this juncture, I must say that there is nothing wrong with you. You are not broken or damaged and you do not need to be fixed.

Your entire life is run on programs and conditioning that you received throughout your life that need to be released... that is all.

The mistake is thinking that you can do this by working on the brain. But like I mentioned, and have alluded to, all the programs are stored in your cells in different organs throughout your body via stagnant emotions.

So naturally, the emotional body is the key to it all healing and transformation.

What About the Superconscious? 

I am glad you asked.

The superconscious is the higher aspect of you. Some call it your higher-self, others your I AM presence, your soul, or even the quantum field for the science buffs out there.

Without getting too metaphysical, it is the neutral observer, the source of who you are and who you were born to be. It is the overseer. It is the source of your true nature and your true power.

It is your true nature because it is neutral and infinite... tethered to all of creation and is known scientifically as the quantum field which has now been proven.

Personally, I prefer to call it love, because that explains and defines the experience of it, unconditional love to be exact... and this, my friends, is where the real magic begins.

What is a Reclaiming Session?

A Reclaiming Session is a transformative experience which helps teach people how to interact with their superconscious selves and more importantly give it permission to intervene in your life.

It teaches you how to effectively engage with the higher aspect of you to help you in ways that are almost impossible to do on your own or with anyone else for that matter in certain areas of creating lasting change.

Why waste years working and focusing on one issue or limiting belief or ailment or emotion at a time when you can start cutting the tree down at its roots with the assistance of a part of you that has the inside scoop?

When you do a Reclaiming Sessions on yourself, which can take as little as a few minutes, it provides you with a safe and supportive way to explore your inner world and effectively request assistance with whatever it is that is holding you back or that is a struggle in your life.

Why are Reclaiming Sessions so Effective?

By working with, and soliciting assistance from, the source of who you truly are and who you were born to be, you can directly change and impact any aspect of your life, including relationships, health, wellness, business, finances, career, friendships, and amplify your spiritual practices.

Think of it this way. No one knows you better than you know yourself. Who else knows all your secrets, all your issues, all your thoughts, all your experiences, all your wounds, all the skeletons in your closets, knows your likes, your dislikes, and what your greatest dreams and aspirations are?

Your superconscious does... the source of you does.

By doing these sessions on yourself, and reframing your understanding of your reality, eventually you can unify your conscious, your subconscious, and unconscious minds with your superconscious and start having them function as one.

Many people experience immediate and profound changes and shifts in their life circumstances even after one session. Their eyes own up to a whole new level of interacting with themselves and with the world.

Imagine having the ultimate personal concierge or “Genie in a Bottle” at your fingertips all day every day with unlimited wishes that can be granted.

The whole point of the FREE Reclaiming Session is to get you started and to guide you into understanding the intricacies of this process. From there if you want to learn more you pursue additional training and coaching if desired.

I hold nothing back. So, you have nothing to lose.

My goal is for you to Reclaim Yourself and experience all that you have read here and more. I want you to regain your sense of self, your inner power, to live more consciously without fear, without limits, and to become the best possible version of you that you can be, and to be guided in everything you do.

There is no greater relationship than your relationship with self. Everything in your life stems from you, it all comes from you. So, wouldn’t it make sense to start there?

Now if you’re still skeptical, then I get it. You check out the small list of scientific resources below that backs this up. This list is only a small fraction of what is out there, but why not just experience it for yourself.

YOU are the proof.

If it at all sounds too good to be true, let me tell you, Reclaiming does take work. It will flush up whatever needs to get released... permanently, and that might feel uncomfortable and difficult at times. But there is no easier way. You will get out of it what you put into it.

But mark my words, the source of you can do everything better than you can and it makes life so much more fun and being guided is a lot more easier.

Join our free Facebook community “Reclaim Yourself” where you will have access to like-minded people working on making positive changes in their lives with access to all sorts of powerful teachings so that you can live your best life today.

What Science?

1: New Scientist. (n.d.). Quantum physics.

2: Scientific American. (2018). Coming to Grips with the Implications of Quantum Mechanics.

Quantum field theory (QFT describes the behavior of particles in terms of fields. According to QFT, all particles are interconnected through these fields, which permeate all of space and time. Another theory is entanglement, which describes how particles can become linked together in such a way that their behavior becomes inextricably linked. This could explain why and how we are all interconnected and how phenomena such as empathy, psychic abilities, and synchronicities exist and are created with focused intent. 

Scientific American. (2019). What God, Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness Have in Common.

There are many case studies that explore the implications of quantum mechanics on our understanding of reality. For example, one study found that quantum mechanics could be used to explain how our brains process information. Another study explored how quantum mechanics could be used to explain the phenomenon of consciousness. This also could explain how everything is part of a unified field of consciousness that we have access to at will.

Caltech Science Exchange. (n.d.). Entanglement.

Quantum entanglement is a phenomenon that occurs when two or more particles become linked together in such a way that their behavior becomes inextricably linked even by a large distance. Entanglement is a fundamental concept that has been studied extensively by scientists around the world. It is also a key resource for quantum computing and other quantum technologies.

1: Medium. (n.d.). Do Thoughts Create Reality? Quantum Biology Points us to the Answer.

2: YourTango. (n.d.). This Simple Test Is Proof Your Thoughts Become Your Reality.

3: Scientific American. (n.d.). What Does Quantum Theory Actually Tell Us about Reality?

The idea that our thoughts create our reality is a popular concept in the field of quantum mechanics. According to this theory, our thoughts and emotions can influence the physical world around us. This is because everything in the universe is made up of energy, including our thoughts and emotions. When we focus our thoughts on something, we are essentially sending out a vibration that can affect the energy around us.

1: How Our Thoughts Control Our DNA - Bruce H. Lipton, PhD. 

2: Stem cells: What they are and what they do - Mayo Clinic. 

3: Your mental health after a stem cell transplant | Anthony Nolan. 

There is scientific research that suggests that our thoughts can affect stem cells. According to Dr. Bruce Lipton, a stem cell biologist, our thoughts and emotions can influence the behavior of our cells. When we experience stress or negative emotions, our bodies release stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline which can cause inflammation and damage to our cells. Positive emotions such as love and gratitude can stimulate the production of growth hormones and other beneficial chemicals that promote cell growth and repair. A study published in the Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine found that participants who practiced mindfulness meditation had significantly higher levels of CD34+ cells (a type of stem cell) than those who did not practice meditation.

"Self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-transcendence (S-ART): a framework for understanding the neurobiological mechanisms of mindfulness" by David R. Vago and D. Silbersweig.

This study provides a framework for understanding how mindfulness, which is a component of Reclaiming Sessions, can reduce biases related to self-processing and create a sustainable healthy mind. The study suggests that systematic mental training that develops self-awareness, self-regulation, and self-transcendence can help individuals become aware of the conditions that cause or remove distortions or biases.

"Physical Activity, Mindfulness Meditation, or Heart Rate Variability Biofeedback for Stress Reduction: A Randomized Controlled Trial" by J. E. van der Zwan, W. de Vente, A. Huizink, S. Bögels, and E. D. de Bruin.

This study found that mindfulness meditation, along with physical activity and heart rate variability biofeedback, are equally effective in reducing stress and its related symptoms. This supports the use of mindfulness practices in Reclaiming Sessions.

"The Emerging Role of Mindfulness Meditation as Effective Self-Management Strategy, Part 1: Clinical Implications for Depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Anxiety." by Marina A. Khusid and M. Vythilingam.

This study suggests that mindfulness-based interventions can be effective as an adjunct to standard care or self-management strategy for major depressive disorder and PTSD, conditions that Reclaiming Sessions may help address.

"The Effects of Mindfulness Meditation on Stress and Burnout in Nurses" by Alyssa A Green and Elizabeth Kinchen.

This study found that mindfulness meditation can decrease stress and burnout in nurses by decreasing self-judgment and overidentification with experience, and by increasing resiliency, compassion, and emotional regulation. These are all benefits that could potentially be gained from Reclaiming Sessions.

Sitting Meditation Training as an Alternative to Self-Healing

This study conducted in Indonesia demonstrated the effectiveness of sitting meditation as a self-healing tool for mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. Regular practice of this method resulted in a state of calm, clarity, and happiness, which are key elements of self-healing.

Forgiveness Meditation: Mindful Self-Healing

This paper discusses the power of forgiveness meditation as a mindful self-healing method. It shares real-life cases of individuals who have used this method to overcome trauma and achieve success.

Teaching Transnational Buddhist Meditation with Vipassanā and Mindfulness for Healing Depression in Contemporary China

This paper examines how Buddhist monastics have promoted a hybrid mode of embodied Buddhist meditation practices, mindfulness, and psychoanalytic exercises for healing depression in lay people.

Meditation and Mindfulness in the Context of Management Activities

This study discusses the use of meditation and mindfulness practices as an effective means of overcoming stress and improving self-awareness, which are crucial for self-healing.

A Systematic Review of Procyanidins: Updates on Current Bioactivities and Potential Benefits in Wound Healing

This study reviews the potential benefits of procyanidins, a class of flavonoids found in many fruits and plants, for wound healing. The review suggests that procyanidins can aid in cellular proliferation and migration, antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant activity in wound healing.

Exploring the Science of Marma - An Ancient Healing Technique: Marma in Yoga and Other Ancient Indian Traditions

This study explores the use of Marma Science in Yoga and other ancient Indian traditions. It suggests that various Yogic practices have been devised with the primary aim of stimulating specific Marma points, which have important healing applications.

The Art of Healing, More than Science, More than Practice

This article argues that medicine is not just a science but also an art. It emphasizes the importance of a moral practice and the understanding of humanity's state in any medical act.

(1) The Superconscious Mind: A Higher State of Being - Mindfulled

(2) The Neuroscience of Consciousness - Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy

(3) The Conscious, Unconscious and Superconscious Mind - FinerMinds

(4) The mystery of human consciousness: How much do we know? - Medical News Today

(5) Superconscious - Wikipedia

The idea of a superconscious part of our existence is not new. With the advent of the Quantum Sciences including many other branches there are countless studies and experienments that prove that there is a greater intelligence that is behind what we consider to be the natural laws of physics. With everything being at the sub-atomic level made up of energy and with intelligent design is it far fetched to label that as a form of consciousness greater than ours?

(1) Hypnosis changes the way our brain processes information - Science Daily

(2) Self-Hypnosis for Anxiety: How to Use Hypnosis to Reduce Anxiety - Mindset Health 

(3) Study identifies brain areas altered during hypnotic trances - Stanford Medical News

(4) Impact of hypnosis on psychophysiological measures - Taylor & Francis 

(5) Self-hypnosis: How to, benefits, and more - Medical News Today

Hypnosis and self-hypnosis have been linked to meditation and have been shown to have neurological effects on the mind that can create positive change in people. Studies have shown that hypnosis can produce therapeutic benefits for anxiety by inducing relaxation and focus. Hypnotherapy can help reduce automatic, subconscious responses and empower individuals to manage their emotions. Hypnosis has also been shown to alter the way our brain processes information. Researchers at Stanford University School of Medicine discovered that hypnosis can alter specific areas of the brain, which helps us understand how hypnosis produces changes. In addition, exploring psychophysiological changes during hypnosis can help us better understand the nature and extent of the hypnotic phenomenon by characterizing its influence on the autonomic nervous system (ANS), in addition to its central brain effects. Studies reporting psychophysical measures during hypnosis were identified by a series of Pubmed searches.

Effects of a Neuroscience-Based Mindfulness Meditation Program on Psychological Health: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial by Sarah Lynn and J. C. Basso. This study found that participants who engaged in a meditation program showed significant benefits over time, including increased mindfulness and self-compassion, decreased depression, and quantitative gains all areas of their life.

Short-Term Meditation Training Fosters Mindfulness and Emotion Regulation: A Pilot Study by T. Fazia et al. This study demonstrated that a short-term meditation intervention resulted in a significant increase in the level of mindfulness and improvement in cognitive reappraisal.

The exploration of meditation in the neuroscience of attention and consciousness by A. Raffone and N. Srinivasan. This paper presents the main features of meditation-based mental training and its implications for the neuroscience of attention, consciousness, self-awareness, empathy, and theory of mind.

YOGA-THERAPY: IMPROVEMENT IN PSORIATIC ARTHRITIS PROMS AT 4 MONTHS by C. Colaço, V. Sadana, and K. Anie. This study found that a 16-week yoga therapy intervention resulted in significant improvements in pain, depression, and anxiety in patients with psoriatic arthritis.

Quantum Dots-Loaded Self-Healing Gels for Versatile Fluorescent Assembly

This study discusses the creation of self-healing gels using quantum dots. While not directly related to reclaiming sessions, it does demonstrate the concept of self-healing at a quantum level.

More about the Informational (Quantum) Healing In the Ongoing Pan-de-mic Situation

This paper discusses the concept of informational healing, which is a form of quantum healing. The author suggests that practices like meditation and prayer can act as self-hypnosis, allowing us to access the subconscious and the quantum computer within it for healing.


This study discusses the concept of self-healing in the context of integrative medicine, which could be related to the practices used in reclaiming sessions.

C-O-V-I-D-1-9: An Organizational-theory-guided Holistic Self-caring and Resilience Project

This study discusses the use of holistic caring-healing modalities such as aromatherapy and mindfulness meditation in response to the C-O-V-I-D-1-9 crisis. It suggests that these practices can shift the organizational culture from fear and stress to a more mindful, caring presence.

"The majestic power of prayer in moral healing and physical rebirth (according to the materials of the UGCC clergy)" by Lesia Ryzhkova, Marta-Andriana Serediuk, Nadiia Hryniv, A. Sinitsyna. This study discusses the concept of prayer as a sacrament that transcends the boundaries of our consciousness and our subconscious. It suggests that prayer can express requests, be filled with love and gratitude, and play a role in moral healing and physical rebirth.

"Love and Prayer Sustain Our Work: Building Collective Power, Health, and Healing as the Community Health Board Coalition" by Damarys Espinoza, Robin A Narruhn. This study examines how communities have organized for health and healing amidst the collective trauma associated with C-O-V-I-D-1-9, noting the role of love and prayer in sustaining their work.

"The power of charisma--perceived charisma inhibits the frontal executive network of believers in intercessory prayer." by U. Schjoedt, H. Stødkilde-Jørgensen, A. Geertz, T. Lund, A. Roepstorff. This study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to investigate how assumptions about speakers' abilities changed the evoked BOLD response in secular and Christian participants who received intercessory prayer. It found that recipients' assumptions about senders' charismatic abilities have important effects on their executive network.

"The prayer circles in the air: a qualitative study about traditional healer profiles and practice in Northern Norway" by Anette Langås-Larsen, A. Salamonsen, A. Kristoffersen, T. Stub. This study examined traditional healers’ understanding of traditional healing, the healing process, and their own practice, as well as what characteristics healers should have. It found that traditional healers understood traditional healing as the initiation of the patient’s self-healing power, which was initiated through healing rituals and explained as the power of God and placebo effect.

Nurturing the Healers: A Unique Program to Support Residents by Sylvia S. Villarreal et al. This study found that programs that help residents cultivate resilience and mitigate distress while experiencing support from their peers can be beneficial.

Implementation of an Integrative Coping and Resiliency Program for Nurses by Stephanie Deible et al. This study found that nurses who invest time in self-care techniques including Reiki, yoga, and meditation improve their overall wellbeing and may provide higher-quality patient care.

The Helpfulness of Spiritually Influenced Group Work in Developing Self-Awareness and Self-Esteem: A Preliminary Investigation by Diana Coholic. This study found that spiritually influenced group work helped participants develop their self-awareness and self-esteem. The participants identified making-meaning as a spiritually sensitive process.

Exploring the Science of Marma - An Ancient Healing Technique; Its mention in Ancient Indian Scriptures

This study explores the ancient science of Marma, which involves specific anatomical locations in the body through which vital life/bio energies flow. The study suggests that stimulating these points can help alleviate pain and treat various physical and mental disorders.

About the Author

Zimmaron is a visionary thought leader who uniquely blends Eastern and Western philosophies to empower individuals to achieving personal and business breakthroughs.

Born of a challenging past, he lived in Ashrams most his life training with spiritual masters, shaman, and healers of different modalities. His passion is to guide people of all walks of life to unlocking their true infinite potential to empower them to overcome all life's obstacles.

Zimmaron's life journey is an example of resilience and the power of self-discovery making him a beacon of hope and inspiration for those seeking a path to self-mastery and success.

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Have You Been Reclaimed Yet? 

Imagine being able to facilitate the complete transformation of your mind, body, and soul to change any aspect of your life. That's exactly what a Reclaiming Session offers.

Backed by scientific data and studies, the concepts taught by Zimmaron in his free live Reclaiming Sessions are the gateway to you learning to master every aspect of yourself.

It's a unique experience where you get to design your own identity and reality by connecting with your superconscious self - the infinite source of wisdom and power within you.

In these sessions, you'll learn to harmonize your conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds, and engaging with the source of who you truly are, and who you were born to be.

This process will help you cultivate self-love, heal emotional wounds, and master effective manifestation and remove all limitations based on your conditioning and current belief systems, most of which are not your own.

It's more than just about personal growth, it's about creating permanent transformation and change to and redefining who you are and who you want to be at the very core of your existence.

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    • Malaysia+60
    • Maldives+960
    • Mali+223
    • Malta+356
    • Marshall Islands+692
    • Martinique+596
    • Mauritania (‫موريتانيا‬‎)+222
    • Mauritius (Moris)+230
    • Mayotte+262
    • Mexico (México)+52
    • Micronesia+691
    • Moldova (Republica Moldova)+373
    • Monaco+377
    • Mongolia (Монгол)+976
    • Montenegro (Crna Gora)+382
    • Montserrat+1
    • Morocco (‫المغرب‬‎)+212
    • Mozambique (Moçambique)+258
    • Myanmar (Burma) (မြန်မာ)+95
    • Namibia (Namibië)+264
    • Nauru+674
    • Nepal (नेपाल)+977
    • Netherlands (Nederland)+31
    • New Caledonia (Nouvelle-Calédonie)+687
    • New Zealand+64
    • Nicaragua+505
    • Niger (Nijar)+227
    • Nigeria+234
    • Niue+683
    • Norfolk Island+672
    • North Korea (조선 민주주의 인민 공화국)+850
    • North Macedonia (Северна Македонија)+389
    • Northern Mariana Islands+1
    • Norway (Norge)+47
    • Oman (‫عُمان‬‎)+968
    • Pakistan (‫پاکستان‬‎)+92
    • Palau+680
    • Palestine (‫فلسطين‬‎)+970
    • Panama (Panamá)+507
    • Papua New Guinea+675
    • Paraguay+595
    • Peru (Perú)+51
    • Philippines+63
    • Poland (Polska)+48
    • Portugal+351
    • Puerto Rico+1
    • Qatar (‫قطر‬‎)+974
    • Réunion (La Réunion)+262
    • Romania (România)+40
    • Russia (Россия)+7
    • Rwanda+250
    • Saint Barthélemy+590
    • Saint Helena+290
    • Saint Kitts and Nevis+1
    • Saint Lucia+1
    • Saint Martin (Saint-Martin (partie française))+590
    • Saint Pierre and Miquelon (Saint-Pierre-et-Miquelon)+508
    • Saint Vincent and the Grenadines+1
    • Samoa+685
    • San Marino+378
    • São Tomé and Príncipe (São Tomé e Príncipe)+239
    • Saudi Arabia (‫المملكة العربية السعودية‬‎)+966
    • Senegal (Sénégal)+221
    • Serbia (Србија)+381
    • Seychelles+248
    • Sierra Leone+232
    • Singapore+65
    • Sint Maarten+1
    • Slovakia (Slovensko)+421
    • Slovenia (Slovenija)+386
    • Solomon Islands+677
    • Somalia (Soomaaliya)+252
    • South Africa+27
    • South Korea (대한민국)+82
    • South Sudan (‫جنوب السودان‬‎)+211
    • Spain (España)+34
    • Sri Lanka (ශ්‍රී ලංකාව)+94
    • Sudan (‫السودان‬‎)+249
    • Suriname+597
    • Svalbard and Jan Mayen+47
    • Sweden (Sverige)+46
    • Switzerland (Schweiz)+41
    • Syria (‫سوريا‬‎)+963
    • Taiwan (台灣)+886
    • Tajikistan+992
    • Tanzania+255
    • Thailand (ไทย)+66
    • Timor-Leste+670
    • Togo+228
    • Tokelau+690
    • Tonga+676
    • Trinidad and Tobago+1
    • Tunisia (‫تونس‬‎)+216
    • Turkey (Türkiye)+90
    • Turkmenistan+993
    • Turks and Caicos Islands+1
    • Tuvalu+688
    • U.S. Virgin Islands+1
    • Uganda+256
    • Ukraine (Україна)+380
    • United Arab Emirates (‫الإمارات العربية المتحدة‬‎)+971
    • United Kingdom+44
    • United States+1
    • Uruguay+598
    • Uzbekistan (Oʻzbekiston)+998
    • Vanuatu+678
    • Vatican City (Città del Vaticano)+39
    • Venezuela+58
    • Vietnam (Việt Nam)+84
    • Wallis and Futuna (Wallis-et-Futuna)+681
    • Western Sahara (‫الصحراء الغربية‬‎)+212
    • Yemen (‫اليمن‬‎)+967
    • Zambia+260
    • Zimbabwe+263
    • Åland Islands+358